Advisory Board positions are advertised as openings become available.
To apply for an opening, fill out the online Advisory Board Application form.
If you have questions about the application process please call the Advisory Board liaison for that specific board.
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Current Advisory Board Opportunities
Children's Services Advisory Board (6 Openings): Three of the open positions must have candidates provided by the following entities (terms of service are listed with each seat):
- Department of Children and Families (10/01/24 - 09/30/27)
- Manatee County School Board (10/01/24 - 09/30/26)
- United Way (10/01/24 - 09/30/27)
The other seats to be filled:
- Two Child Advocates (10/01/24 - 09/30/27)
- One Licensed Mental Health Professional (10/01/24 - 09/30/27)
Applications due August 14, 2024.
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Citizen Advisory Committee:
- Disabled Representative, At-Large
- Unincorporated Manatee County (2 Openings)
Applications due August 9, 2024, at 3 p.m.