Outdoor Water Conservation Rebate Program

Manatee County offers rebate incentives to help property owners reduce water usage and save money on water bills through water conservation. Combine rebates for up to $2,500 in per property ($3,500 if installing an irrigation well).
Who is eligible?
- Home and business owners with in-ground irrigation systems using potable water for their irrigation from Manatee County Utilities Department may be eligible.
- Eligibility for financial incentives is limited to customers whose property had an average potable water use exceeding 8,500 gallons per month for the 2-year period immediately preceding the application date.
- Property must have a current certified, approved backflow preventer and no cross connection on the property.
- Working rain shut-off technology is also required but may be included in the rebate program if the property does not have a working rain sensor.
- Customers with an alternative water source, or reclaim water, do not qualify.
How do I apply for an outdoor rebate?
- Pre-approval of projects by Water Conservation staff is required
- Pre-qualify your property for a rebate by submitting a request directly through your account portal. Please click HERE for the CSS Portal.
- You may submit an online application, or download the printable application and email it to [email protected], or mail it to Outdoor Rebate Program, Water Conservation, 4520 66th Street West, Bradenton, FL 34210.
Eligible outdoor water conservation rebates:
- Rebate 50% of documented cost up to $1,000
- Install pump and equipment to draw irrigation from a lake, storm water retention/detention area, or other natural storage area for use in place of potable water for irrigation
- An evaluation by the Extension Service is required prior to rebate reimbursement
- Obtain any required permits from the county and/or district
- Irrigation system must be permanently disconnected from the potable water source and all prior points of connection capped
- Rebate 50% of documented cost up to $2,500
- Install new well to be used in place of potable water for irrigation
- Obtain any required permits from the county and/or the district
- Have working rain shut-off technology
- An evaluation by the Extension Service is required following installation
- Not to exceed $3,500 in total amount for combined outdoor rebates per property
- Rebate 50% of documented cost up to $1,000
- Obtain any required permits from the county and/or the district
- Have working rain shut-off technology
- Irrigation system must be permanently disconnected from the potable water source and all prior points of connection capped
Rain Sensor, Evapotranspiration Control, OR Soil Moisture Sensor
- Rebate 100% of documented cost up to $150 for either device (not both)
- Device must affect the entire irrigation system (not just a zone)
- Prior to installation, must have the device approved by the Extension Service
- Must be installed and operational
- An evaluation by the Extension Service is required following installation
- Rebate 100% of documented cost up to $500
- Device must affect the entire irrigation system (not just a zone)
- Prior to installation, must have the device approved by the Extension Service
- Must be installed and operational
- An evaluation by the Extension Service is required following installation
- Rebate 50% of documented cost up to $500
- Prior to installation, must have the device approved by the Extension Service
- Irrigation/landscape evaluation by Extension Service (a) before work, (b) immediately after work is completed, and (c) 12 months after completion
- Must be installed and operational
- Have working rain shut-off technology
- Rebate 50% of documented cost up to $1,500
- Irrigation/landscape evaluation by Extension Service (a) before work, (b) immediately after work is completed, and (c) 12 months after completion
- Attend one educational workshop given by Manatee County Extension Service (Landscape Irrigation)
- Implement all repairs recommended by Extension Service to repair, replace, and/or retrofit the irrigation system
- Complete recommended repairs by Extension Service for leaks, broken parts, etc. including:
- Separate irrigation zones for turf and landscape bed zones
- Install low-volume irrigation in landscape bed zones
- Have properly installed and operational rain shut-off technology
- All new irrigation parts are labeled WaterSense
- Rebate 50% of documented cost up to $1,500 (No more than $150 of rebate may be used to pay for plans from a licensed landscape architect or a certified landscape designer)
- All landscape plans must be reviewed and approved by the Extension Service prior to commencement of the landscaping retrofit
- Irrigation/landscape evaluation by Extension Service (a) before work, (b) immediately after work is completed, and (c) 12 months after completion
- Attend two educational workshops given by Manatee County Extension Service (Landscape Irrigation and Florida Landscaping)
- Implement all landscape recommendations from initial evaluation in accordance with approved plans
- Repair or retrofit irrigation system
- Have properly installed and operational rain shut-off technology
Adopt Florida Friendly landscape principles into your yard and create a beautiful, lush landscape without grass. Plant water-efficient trees, shrubs, and plants in place of grass where possible. Upgrading grass to xeriscape saves water, reduces maintenance time, and increases beauty and diversity in your landscape.
You could receive a rebate up to $1,500 for plant material and design with receipts. You may design your own landscape or use a professional designer. Approval of designs by the Manatee County Extension Service will be required. To receive this rebate, you also must attend educational workshops provided by the Manatee County Extension Service. Visit the Florida Friendly Landscape website for more information.
Email us at [email protected] for any questions, or if you would like an application emailed or mailed to you directly.